Federal-Era Row Building in Paulus Hook Historic District Suffers Apparent Water Pipe Rupture

“Row houses that are 200-plus years old were at risk this week when what appears to have been a burst pipe gushing water through the former Iron Monkey on Greene Street,” stated JC Landmarks president Christopher Perez on Friday after being alerted to a major water leak at 99 Greene Street and visiting the site.

“We believe the City of Jersey City and the JCMUA acted to stop the water. What we don’t know is if the water collected and if so how will it be removed carefully as to not cause any negative effects on the foundation of this and adjoining structures. Incidents like these may require engineers and specialists that can guide the process of abatement to insure that what seems like the standard course of action is the right course of action for older sites that require special attention. Vacant property owners — especially historic property owners — need to have a thorough procedure and conduct routine site visits to protect these assets and ensure the safety of neighbors. These are irreplaceable pieces of our city’s journey and a reminder that we can’t take them for granted.”

“Vacant property owners — especially historic property owners — need to have a thorough procedure and conduct routine site visits to protect these assets and ensure the safety of neighbors. These are irreplaceable pieces of our city’s journey and a reminder that we can’t take them for granted.” — Christopher Perez, JC Landmarks President, on Friday, December 27, 2024

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John Gomez

Master of Science in Historic Preservation, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University


Powerhouse Promise: Unleash Potential of Jersey City Cultural Heritage Site


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